
IBIS-Connect; introducing the future of eye care

IBIS-Connect; introducing the future of eye care

We are delighted to soon be launching IBIS-Connect to our first group of customers in the optical sector. It’s great to finally be sharing our solution with the eye care community and since it will soon be going live.

14 Sept 2021

We are delighted to soon be launching IBIS-Connect to our first group of customers in the optical sector. It’s great to finally be sharing our solution with the eye care community and since it will soon be going live, we thought we’d take the opportunity to share some more about our new telemedicine platform and what it means for optical practices across the UK and internationally.

IBIS-Connect is a cloud-based platform that allows you to seamlessly connect with your patients wherever they are. This means that it doesn’t matter whether they are 1 mile or 100 miles away, you’ll still be able to offer them an eye test.

It’s convenient for you, your patients and allows you to reach a far wider audience. With our new solution you’ll get to:

  • Test patients from the comfort of their own homes or wherever they are. All they need is access to a computer or laptop.

  • See and speak to your patients via our interactive platform as they progress through each test.

  • Accurately position your patients remotely with no need for a chin/head rest or extra equipment.

On the IBIS-Connect platform you’ll have access to tests such as Visual Acuity, Visual Field, Amsler and Colour with more becoming available in the future. You can also use the platform in whatever way suits you whether that be for pre-screening before appointments, remote triage and/or follow-ups after treatment.

We’ve got flexible pricing plans that suits various sizes of businesses too. We’d be happy to talk to you more about IBIS-Connect and explain how we can help to transform your patient journey in more detail. Get in touch with us today, here.

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82 Mitchell Street, 6th Floor, Glasgow, G1 3NA



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445 W 40th St. Suite 403233 Miami Beach, FL 33140



82 Mitchell Street, 6th Floor, Glasgow, G1 3NA


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