IbisVision, the market leader in remote eyecare technology will launch IBIS Re-Check, a new service that helps patients to check their prescription pre-consultations, at Vision Expo East 2024.
5 Mar 2024
IbisVision, the market leader in remote eyecare technology, is travelling to New York’s Vision Expo East this month to meet with clients and demonstrate a new service that helps patients’ pre-consultation check their prescriptions online and helps optical businesses prepare for sales of new eyewear.
IbisVision’s innovative new feature, IBIS Re-Check, empowers patients to measure their own prescription using patented technology. This ground-breaking system can detect any changes in patient’s optical needs since their last appointment. Consultants can then anticipate any necessary prescription adjustments and prepare for potential sales of new glasses and lenses. By seamlessly integrating eye tests with sales activities, IBIS Re-Check reduces time wastage in clinical settings. This feature is a valuable addition to IbisVision’s remote solution, IBIS-Engage, which already provides a range of clinician-led eye tests online. With IBIS Re-Check, eye care organizations can now offer both clinician-led and patient self-serve services, enhancing their flexibility and the quality of care they provide.
IbisVision will also show off its new branding at the event, including the renaming of its platform as it seeks to help optical businesses create a holistic eyecare environment that more easily links clinicians with patients with a clear pathway from clinic to sales so as to increase revenue and lower costs.
Speaking in advance of the conference IbisVision CEO Mark Rogers said: "Technology is all about helping us use resources wisely. If we can shift the responsibility for the initial check of a prescription to the patient themselves that leaves the highly qualified eye doctor available for interventions where their input is vital. In this case the eye doctor enters the process when the system, working with the patient, flags changed prescription requirements.
“The second revolution with this process is in making the sale of new eyewear easier for both the doctor and patient. The eye doctor now knows which client is likely to need to purchase new eyewear and can prepare accordingly. A smoother sales system means less time wasted, therefore less money wasted, therefore a more profitable optical business that can invest more in looking after its patients. It's a win-win!
“As a clinician-focused business we love meeting our clients and potential clients, so I'd encourage anyone at Vision Expo East to come and see us and try out this revolutionary technology for themselves.”
IbisVision will be at stand: The Focus F2448
Come and meet the team:
CEO, Mark Roger
Newly appointed COO, Steve Ingram
Head of Marketing, Laura Hillhouse-Fleming
Head of Product, Mel Berwick
Head of US Operations, Erica Goldberg
You can also pre-book meetings with our team, here.

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